Dehumidifier Comparison Noise and Wattage

ear loud noise dehumidifier volume quiet byemould

Image courtesy of

Two very important aspects of running a dehumidifier are noise levels and energy consumption.

People want to buy quiet dehumidifiers which don’t cost much to run.

Is such a dehumidifier available?

We have combed through our ByeMould dehumidifier reviews to bring you the answer.

Before we show you the easy to read dehumidifier comparison table lets just run through several important points that you should be aware of before looking at the comparison table.

Dehumidifier Noise Levels

Desiccant vs Compressor Dehumidifiers

In many previous posts we have already outlined the differences between desiccant and compressor dehumidifiers.

Generally speaking desiccant dehumidfiers tend to operate at a lower volume than compressor models. obviously this is due to the lack of compressor parts.

However it is worth noting that compressor technology is advancing and that several compressor units can also operate at very low volume.

DD8L 014

Lowest Setting on Dehumidifier

The figures that we have used in our comparison table are derived from running the dehumidifier in its lowest setting.

Obviously as settings are increased the operational noise of the dehumidifier will also increase.

Dehumidifier dB(A) Levels

In the dehumidifier comparison table below we use the term dB(A) to measure sound. For those that don’t know, though I am sure that you do, dB(A) is short for decibel which is a measurement of sound volume.

The following decibel levels loosely correspond with the stated real life examples

  • 10 dB(A) = a pin falling
  • 20 dB(A) = rustling leaves
  • 30 dB(A) = whisper
  • 40 dB(A) = computer fan
  • 50 dB(A) = light traffic / refrigerator
  • 60dB(A) = conversational speech / air conditioner

Your dehumidifier will fall within this range of decibels.

Here is a graphical representation of decibel levels

dehumidifier volume decibel noise chart byemould

Image Courtesy of

A very important note regarding sound is that everyone perceives it differently. For example what one person considers quiet another person might find annoying.

A practical example of this is when running a dehumidifier at night in a low setting. Some people say the noise doesn’t bother them at all. In fact, when reading dehumidifier reviews some people even state that the noise of the dehumidifier helps the the people sleep!

Of course everyone is different and some people hate the dehumidifier being on at night time as they find that they can’t sleep at all because of the dehumidifier’s operational noise

Dehumidifier Energy Use

Measuring Dehumidifier Energy Use

A dehumidifiers energy usage is measured in watts.

Watts is calculated by multiplying voltage by amps.

Watts dehumidifier byemould

Image Courtesy of

As with the noise levels above the wattage figures in the dehumidifier comparison table were recorded when the dehumidifier was operating in its lowest setting.

As the dehumidifiers settings are increased the energy used by the dehumidifier will also increase.

If it hasn’t occurred to you yet it is a common marketing ploy to state figures from when the unit (dehumidifier, washing machine, tumble dryer etc) is running in its lowest setting.

Desiccant vs Compressor Dehumidifier

When purchasing a dehumidifier it is extremely important to consider the temperature range that the dehumidifier will be working in. as both desiccant and compressor dehumidifiers are most efficient at opposite ends of the temperature spectrum.

Desiccant dehumidifiers get more efficient the lower the temperature falls (down to around 3°C) while compressor units become more efficient at higher temperatures (up to around 38°C).

The temperature at which both types of dehumidifier are equal in efficiency is around 20°C as shown in the following image.

Image Courtesy of Ecor Pro

Image Courtesy of Ecor Pro

Test Figures

Bear in mind that the figures in the table below are figures released by the manufacturers and sellers.

As such test conditions for each appliance may have been different.

Typically extraction rate testing occurs in difference climate settings depending on the manufacturer therefore the actual performance of the unit may be significantly different in your own home.

Volume and wattage figures should not be that much different to stated figures however one unit may be tested for noise by taking a reading from above the unit where the hot air is expelled and another unit may be measured for volume by taking a reading from its side.

These two different approaches will obviously give two different readings.

Meaco Dehumidifier Exctraction Rates

Dehumidifier Comparison Noise and Wattage Table

The table below has been laid out in alphabetical order to avoid prejudice being taken.

Click For PriceBrand & ModelTypeNoise dB(A)Wattage

De'Longhi Dem 10Compressor38190

De'Longhi DNC65Desiccant34495

Dimplex Forte 10LCompressor42250

EcoAir DC12Compressor41230

EcoAir DD122FW SimpleDesiccant34390

EcoAir DD122MK5Desiccant34390

EcoAir DD322FWDesiccant42400

Meaco 10L Small HomeCompressor43220

Meaco 12L Low Energy DehumidifierCompressor44165

Meaco 20L Low Energy DehumidifierCompressor46255

Meaco DD8L Desiccant DehumidifierDesiccant39330

Prem-I-Air Xtreem 10Compressor45240

Toyotomi TDC-100 DehumidifierCompressor49205

Quietest Dehumidifiers

Looking at the table above it is interesting to observe that generally lower volume dehumidifiers use more electricity and vice-versa.

Let’s look at the following 3 dehumidifiers operating at just 34 dB(A) at their lowest setting.

  • De’Longhi DNC65 Desiccant Dehumidifier
  • EcoAir DD122FW Simple Desiccant Dehumidifier
  • EcoAir DD122MK5 Desiccant Dehumidifier

First of all it is interesting to note that the 3 quietest dehumidifiers are desiccant dehumidifiers.

This fact was discussed further up in this post and we stated that the reason for this is the lack of compressor parts.

Dem10 Delonghi Dehumidifier

De’Longhi Dem 10 Dehumidifier

The quietest compressor dehumidifier is the De’Longhi Dem 10 which can operate at 38 dB(A).

While the above 3 desiccant units operate at just 34 dB(A) they are certainly on  the higher scale of energy usage.

The average wattage from the units on the comparison table is 289 watts. Here is how our 3 quietest dehumidifier rate.

  • De’Longhi DNC65 = 495 watts
  • EcoAir DD122FW Simple = 390 watts
  • EcoAir DD122MK5 = 390 watts

These wattage figures are significantly higher than the average wattage as per table.

Low Energy Dehumidifiers

If we look at the 3 lowest energy users we see the same inverse relationship.

  • De’Longhi Dem 10 = 190 watts
  • Meaco 12L Low Energy = 165 watts
  • Toyotomi TDC-100 = 205 watts

These figures fall well below the average watts figure of 289.

However let’s see what their operating volume is like.

  • De’Longhi Dem 10 = 38 dB(A)
  • Meaco 12L Low Energy = 44 dB(A)
  • Toyotomi TDC-100 = 49 dB(A)

There is obviously a wide discrepancy between these volume levels.


Best UK Dehumidifier

In terms of volume and energy use the De’Longhi Dem 10 looks very interesting.

Running second is the EcoAir DC12 with a volume of 41 dB(A) and a wattage of 230.

These are great figures.

Also worth mentioning is the Meaco 10L Small Home Dehumidifier with 43 dB(A) and 220 watts.

Note that these dehumidifiers are rated on wattage vs dB(A) only. Other features such as timers, filters, ionisers, auto adjust, laundry mode etc have not been discussed.

Therefore it would be worth reading the reviews below to see what each dehumidifier contains.

For dehumidifiers featuring auto adjust, where the unit automatically adjusts its settings according to the relative humidity levels in the air, is may well be worth buying a dehumidifier with a higher operational wattage as less energy will be used during operation (due to the unit automatically adjusting its settings).

desiccant or compressor dehumidifier

Best UK Dehumidifier Reviews

We have compiled the following list of dehumidifier reviews of the dehumidifiers featured in the above comparison table.

Simply click on the link to be taken to the appropriate dehumidifier review.


How Much Does a Dehumidifier Cost to Run

To get a very precise measurement of usage cost of your dehumidifier it is worth buying a Plug-In Power and Energy MonitorWith an energy monitor you can easily see how much power is being used.

Simply record the operational time of your dehumidifier and equate it with the cost of power on your electricity bill.

Alternatively you can estimate the wattage used and proceed as above.

As an example let’s say that you are running the EcoAir DC12 for 4 hours per day in its lowest setting.

You are then using 230 watts per hour x 4 or 920 watts per day.

Refer to your most recent electricity bill and see what the cost is of watts per hour. This will probably be notated in KiloWatts (kW) which is 1,000 watts.

Let’s say the cost is 15p per kW per hour then the EcoAir DC12 will cost around 15p per day to run.

Note that you will likely use dehumidifiers in higher settings so your actual operating costs will, in all likelihood, be more than 15p per day.

Our Choice of Best UK Dehumidifier

We recently published a post that detailed the best selling dehumidifiers, radiators, moisture detectors, mould sprays etc from this website.

In compiling the data we were happy to find that the EcoAir DD122MK5 was included in the list.

The EcoAir DD122MK5 is one our favourite dehumidifiers and as stated above it does cost a little more than some other dehumidifiers to run. however the DD122MK5 can sense the humidity in the air and adjust its setting to best cope with the humidity levels.

This feature makes the DD122MK5 more efficient to run over the medium and longer term than dehumidifiers without this feature.

Of course the EcoAir DD122MK5 also contains a host of other great features such as an anti-bacterial filter, an ioniser, laundry mode, adjustable louvre, anti-dry protection  and much more which you can read here.

In short in our opinion if you choose the EcoAir DD122MK5 desiccant dehumidifier you should be very happy.

Click Here to See the EcoAir DD122MK5 on Amazon

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