You’ve spend your hard earned money on buying a dehumidifier and now your dehumidifier is not collecting water. Can there be anything worse?
Luckily this article will look at several reasons as to why your dehumidifier is not collecting water, but not only that, we will offer solutions to these problems as well.
Once you have diagnosed the problem fixing it can be very easy and it does not need to be expensive especially if you have purchased an extended warranty for your dehumidifier.
First off all though you need to know what type of dehumidifier you have.
Compressor or Desiccant Dehumidifier
There are two main types of dehumidifier – compressor and desiccant.
Compressor dehumidifiers are generally heavier and louder than desiccant dehumidifiers due to the compressor parts.
Compressor type dehumidifiers are also better suited to working in warmer temperatures (ie over +- 18°C) as they get more efficient in extraction terms the warmer the temperature.
If your dehumidifier is not collecting water then it is probably a compressor type of dehumidifier as often the problem lies with the compressor.
For this reason we will look at water extraction problems with compressor dehumidifiers before we look at desiccant dehumidifiers.
Compressor Dehumidifier Is Not Collecting Water
Actual Extraction Rates Vs Stated Extraction Rates
As mentioned above compressor dehumidifiers function better in warmer temperatures.
Extraction test temperatures for compressor dehumidifiers are generally around 30°C and 80% relative humidity which is far higher than UK winter temperatures. It is for this reason that your compressor dehumidifier will collect less water than the stated extraction rate.
A loose rule of thumb is to half the stated extraction rate and subtract an extra 10% to get the actual extraction rate.
The actual extraction rate varies due to many environmental factors such as room size, dehumidifier size, humidity levels and even wind direction!
But what if your dehumidifier is not collecting any water at all?
Temperature Too Low
Compressor dehumidifiers work by having coils extract moisture from the air. When these coils get too cold they can ‘freeze’ which means that moisture extraction is very small or non-occurring.
Your compressor dehumidifier should be fitted with an Auto Defrost feature which automatically turns the dehumidifier off once the coils get too cold. With the dehumidifier turned off the coils have a chance to warm up in order to allow efficient moisture extraction once more. The dehumidifier will restart once the coils are warm enough.
If your dehumidifier contains a Auto Defrost feature but the coils remain frozen you may have to bring your dehumidifier to a local service centre to make sure that the defrost cycle is not broken.
When using a dehumidifier in colder temperatures we would recommend using a desiccant dehumidifier.
Low Refrigerant Fluid
Another problem when faced with poor extraction could be that the refrigerant fluid is too low.
One reason for a low refrigerant fluid level is that there could be a small leak that has developed.
You will have to remove the outer casing of he dehumidifier to check for any leaks or damage. If you are not handy you can contact your local service centre to have your dehumidifier checked out.
Faulty Compressor
A common problem for a dehumidifier not collecting water is that the compressor is faulty.
If you hear a buzzing sound coming from the unit once every now and then and there is no water extraction then you should get the compressor looked at.
If there is a problem with the capacitator in the compressor then the compressor won’t run.
Similarly if the overload device has failed then your dehumidifier won’t collect water. Often the overload device fails because the dehumidifier is used with an extension lead which is either too long or too short. We recommend not using an extension lead to power your dehumidifier.
So now that we’ve looked at several reasons as to why your compressor dehumidifier is not collecting water let’s look at desiccant dehumidifiers.
Desiccant Dehumidifier Not Collecting Water
Since desiccant dehumidifiers don’t have compressor parts you won’t have all the problems associated with compressors which makes solving water collection problems much easier for desiccant models.
Blocked and Loose Parts
First of all check that the filter is clean as a blocked filter can stop air from flowing into the dehumidifier.
Regular cleaning of the filter is essential for optimal dehumidifier performance. A blocked or dirty filter will make the dehumidifier work harder which not only makes water extraction more difficult but it will cost you more in running costs as well.
Next, check the fan inside the dehumidifier. Make sure that the fan is not blocked and is spinning freely. Ensure that all the fan screws are nice and snug so that the fan is secure during dehumidifier operation. Also check that the fan motor is working correctly.
Common Extraction Problems
There are also common extraction problems between compressor and desiccant dehumidifiers.
Wrong Size Dehumidifier
Make sure that you are using the right size dehumidifier for the area.
A dehumidifier that is too small for the area won’t be efficient in bringing down the humidity level of the area.
Conversely a dehumidifier that is way too big for the area will be overkill and you may expect it to extraction more moisture than it actually can.
Air Too Dry
If the air is too dry then your dehumidifier will find it difficult to extract moisture from it. This is especially true after using a function such as Laundry Mode which can drag humidity levels down to as far as 30% – 35%. When the air is this dry there is very little moisture for the dehumidifier to extract.
If your dehumidifier doesn’t have a LED display panel that displays the current humidity then it will pay to get an inexpensive damp meter so that you know exactly what your humidity level is at all times.
Faulty Humidistat
Many dehumidifiers feature a humidistat to regulate their settings. When the humidistat is faulty the dehumidifier will not receive the required information to operate properly which can lead to the dehumidifier not collecting water.
A faulty PCB or electronic control board can also have an adverse effect on water extraction.
In both of these cases your dehumidifier should be bought to a local service centre or contact should be made with the dehumidifier company to discuss repair or warranty issues.
Blocked Water Hose
When using a continuous drainage facility you must ensure that the hose runs away from the dehumidifier in a straight line without any kinks.
Most continuous drainage facilities are gravity led so the hose must run down to the sink or drain without any kinks. Make sure that the hose is not blocked as this will not allow water to drain freely.
Extended Warranty 
Dehumidifiers are appliances and while the majority of appliances work fine there are a small few units which develop faults.
It is our suggestion when buying a dehumidifier to purchase an extended warranty.
Normal warranty length for dehumidifiers is 24 months or 2 years. By paying extra (around £50) you should be able to extend the warranty term to 5 years.
Make sure that you read the instruction booklet that comes with your dehumidifier to ensure that you know what is covered under the warranty and what isn’t.
You have seen that the compressor in compressor dehumidifiers can cause problems when it comes to your dehumidifier not collecting water. If there is any problem with the compressor check your warranty.
For both compressor and desiccant dehumidifiers always make sure that the filter and parts are kept clean and unblocked. Not only does this enhance the life of your dehumidifier but it will also save you on running costs.
Finally don’t forget to buy an extended warranty when buying a dehumidifier so that any possible future problems can be addresses quickly and efficiently.
Do you have any other dehumidifier problems? Let us know in the comments below and we will try our best to solve them.