Springtime is beautiful. The sun finally generates heat, the days warm up, the evenings are starting to stretch and the flowers and trees are starting to grow again. Of course with spring time also comes the dreaded hay fever. Currently around 10 million people in the UK suffer from hay fever with this number expected to triple (!) over the next 20 years as climate change and pollution takes its toll.
Here are 3 simple solutions you should check out to survive hay fever this spring!
The first solution is the brilliant Careforair Rainbow Breezer Air Purifier. We have covered the Rainbow Breezer previously on ByeMould and we remain great fans.
Feedback on Amazon shows that the Rainbow Breezer works to give hay fever and ashtma sufferers a better night sleep.
The Rainbow Breezer is obviously not a full sized air purifier however it is ideal for those that do not have, or want to spend, the money on a larger air purifier.
Included in the purchase are several fragrances which will freshen up your room.
Next is the Meaco Airvax 33X2 Air Purifier. Again at ByeMould we remain great fans of this product having covered the 33×2 previously in some detail in a previous review.
The reason why we like the 33×2 so much is because of the SEFF filter. Typically a air purfier has different stage filters. The first filter being for larger particles, the second for smaller particles and so on.
The SEFF filter of the 33×2 does the job of all of these different stage filters by itself. Not only that but it can catch smaller particles than other air purifiers which means even more relief for hay fever and asthma sufferers.
Scroll down to the bottom of our Airvax 33×2 review to watch a video in which Meaco founder Chris Michael describes how his daughter, who suffers from allergies, sleeps better with the Airvax 33×2.
The Ecoair DD122MK5 Desiccant dehumidifier with anti-bacterial filter and ioniser to keep allergies at bay.
Finally is you want clean air and low humidity to breathe better during the warmer months and low humidity to prevent mould during the winter months then you should check out the EcoAir DD122 MK5 Desiccant Dehumidifier.
This dehumidifier is one of our favourites at ByeMould and has been covered many times including this full length review.
The DD122Mk5 features a silver nano filter which kills bacteria both in the air and on the filter. This feature combined with an ioniser which pulls down particles such as dust, dirt and pollen ensures a cleaner air for easier breathing.
This dehumidifer is also great for drying clothes indoors during the winter so in fact you can use this dehumidifier for the whole year.
So there are three options for surviving hay fever this spring. Just remember that these solutions are much healthier than taking medicines to combat any allergy problems.