Blog Of The Month: The Rat And Mouse (Feb 16)

Rat and Mouse Blog Interview Ben Brandt



The daddy of all UK property blogs is the Rat and Mouse written by Ben Brandt.

The Rat and Mouse is well over a decade old and features a UK property news round-up post every weekday.

Regular readers of ByeMould have met Ben previously when we interviewed him about all things property. In return Ben posted the interview on the Rat and Mouse and kindly introduced me as the ‘King of Dehumidifiers’.

The reason I chose the Rat and Mouse as the ‘Blog of the Month’ is that I often pop in for a quick read when I have a minute spare. The blog will not win any style awards though some blogs which I have covered in the past have been all about style. Rather the Rat and Mouse has kept me coming back time after time and that is the overridding objective of any blog.

The Rat and Mouse #1

I am certainly not alone in thinking that the Rat and Mouse is a great blog. Daniel Brewer listed the Rat and Mouse Foxtons rat and mouse blogat #1 when he wrote a blog post called Top 10 Property Blogs You MUST Follow! Similarly My Property Guide also listed the Rat and Mouse at #1 in their big list of UK property blogs.

The blog is set up into two columns which are situated side by side. The left column contains the daily news while the right column starts of with a property search widget and a  Rat and Mouse site search widget which is followed by many links which includes past blog entries, UK property resources (I notice ByeMould is missing), US / International property blogs, London blogs and credits.

The blogs attractiveness is that it is plain and simple with the most recent news being listed on the home page. Older entries can be found using the search widget or by the ‘earlier entries’ link on the bottom of the page.

Since the Rat and Mouse is a very simple set up there is not much left to say apart from take a look for yourself.

You can reach Ben on Twitter where his name is @theratandmouse


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