Sometimes dehumidifier filters can get damaged during cleaning, incorrect removal and/or installation or from plain old neglect.
Other times users of dehumidifiers may want to exchange the standard dust filters that the dehumidifier originally came with to anti-bacterial filters which provide a cleaner, healthier air than the standard dust filters.
Shown below are 3 top replacement dehumidifier filters on
Ebac DDA510 3 Pack Bactiguard Filter Set for Series 2000 Dehumidifiers
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EcoAir DC202 Dehumidifier Replacement 3-in-1 Filter
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EcoAir DD122FW Replacement Silver Nano Filter for Desiccant Dehumidifier
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The Ebac DDA510 3 Pack Bactiguard Filter Set
is suitable for all series 2000 Ebac dehumidifiers including the Ebac 2650e and Ebac 2850e.
Ecoair remains a very popular dehumidifier brand especially the EcoAir DD122FW.
The benefit of the EcoAir models including the DD122FW and DD122MK5 is that they feature silver nano technology which is a superior technology with which to kill bacteria.
In short silver nano technology combined with an ioniser (found on the DD122MK5) should make breathing easier for those with hay fever, asthma and other respiratory type problems.
This set up also promoted relaxation, due to a lower number of positive ions such as dust and pollens in the air, and so is perfect for the stay at home mum or dad and baby as well.
Cleaning a Dehumidifier Filter
Remember to clean your dehumidifier filter every 2 or 3 weeks.
Either clean the filter with running water from the tap or simply vacuum the filter clean.
In fact I will make a video which will show both methods of cleaning the filter of my own Meaco DD8L desiccant dehumidifier.
When removing the filter for cleaning make it a habit to check the filter for signs of wear or tear.
Filter Position
Finally if you are purchasing a dehumidifier for the first time make sure that the filter is easy to locate, remove and reinstall.
Typically the filter sits at the centre at the back of the unit with the water tank sitting underneath the filter.
However some types of dehumidifier have stored the water tank behind the filter which makes the removal of the water tank somewhat awkward. Try to avoid buying a dehumidifier with this type of set up.
Look after your filter and your dehumidifier will look after you!