5 best Dehumidifying Indoor Plants

One of the crucial factors in maintaining your home is to keep the humidity level balanced in your home that is neither too high nor too low. A well-balanced humidity level is important because it not only safeguards your home from becoming excessively humid but also prevents some severe problems from occurring. An imbalanced moist, humid, or warm environment becomes a breeding ground for molds and bacteria, can cause the drywall to get soggy, paint to peel, and may also cause carpets to grow mildew or molds, etc. Luckily, you can protect your home from the aggressive damage of humidity as there are plenty of options now available in the marketplace, e.g., keeping a dehumidifier in your home or dehumidifying indoor plants, etc.

What are Dehumidifiers?

One of the simplest solutions to maintain the humidity level in your home and reducing it to the optimal level is by the use of the very famous electrical appliance these days called dehumidifier. They are also essential for reducing odors that accompany mildew and molds in your home and are non-disruptive to your daily life.

What are dehumidifying plants?

If you are looking for a more eco-friendly and natural way to remove some of the damp ambiance and moist air, dehumidifying plants are a prettier option to consider. Dehumidifying indoor plants serves dual purpose gather the air they need from the air and assist the outdoors in.

How dehumidifying plants reduce humidity?

Dehumidifying indoor plants are excellent natural dehumidifiers as the leaves of these plants harvest the moisture from the air. Different plants have the distinctive characteristics of absorbing moisture as some absorb more moisture than the others. This phenomenon can be linked to the foliar uptake of the plants that are referred to as its ability to absorb fog, dew, and other kinds of moisture vapors through their leaves stoma.

Benefits of dehumidifying indoor plants

  • They are eco-friendly and hence cause no harm to nature.
  • They are cost-friendly that doesn’t need electricity to perform the function of a dehumidifier.
  • You can decorate your home interior through these natural dehumidifiers that look stunning.

5 best dehumidifying indoor plants

These are some of the best dehumidifying plants that can be kept indoor without any hassle. In addition to serving the purpose of a natural dehumidifier, they look incredibly stunning in your house indoors and don’t require high-maintenance.

1. Peace Lily

The peace lily plant is famous for decreasing the humidity level from the air as it has special leaves that can absorb moisture from the air. The best part about this plant is that it requires little sunlight, occasional fertilizing, and regular watering to thrive so it can be easily kept indoors without compromising on its health. Peace lily looks exceptionally beautiful in the home, reduces humidity, and purifies the contaminants of the air, such as traces of benzene, acetone, alcohol, etc. For safety sake, one must not forget to keep it out of reach of children and animals as it can be mildly toxic if consumed.

2. English IVY

English IVY is one of the best natural dehumidifiers for your home. This lovely decorative plant is grown in the homes for various reasons, such as enhancing the beauty, cleaning the home air from pollutants, and reducing the indoor humidity of homes. It looks adorable if you plant it in a hanging pot as well and can serve perfectly to absorb the humidity that rises. The airborne molds that are found in humid places typically can be removed with the help of this indoor dehumidifying plant. It requires little care as you only need to keep it moist and provide with little sunlight.

3. Reed’s palm

Reed palm plant is undoubtedly a great solution and investment for high humidity level indoor corners of the houses. In addition to being attractive and beautiful, this dehumidifying plant purifies your home air specifically from formaldehyde. This plant has incredible ability to absorb moisture directly from its leaves, doesn’t require regular watering like most of the other plants does and is considered ideal to be kept indoors as it requires low-maintenance. However, if you keep this plant in more lit areas, it can grow several feet larger than definitely looks extremely exotic and fabulous in your home interior. Also, the reed palm plant prevents the colonization of allergens and pathogens from the space.

4. Boston Fern

Boston fern thrives greatly in moist places and has a high tendency to absorb the humidity of your home. Not just that, it absorbs the moisture from the air but also creates a well-balanced humidity level to make your home environment more comfortable and livelier. This plant looks beautiful, complementing your home interior with its slender arching fronds and alluring exotic shape. Boston fern can protect you and your family from infections or allergies by effectively eliminating the pesky air pollutants like benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde, etc. To keep your Boston fern healthy, all you need to provide it with indirect sunlight, warm and humid environment, and moist soil. In the colder and dry months, you can mist Boston fern plant to prevent it from perishing.

5. Tillandsia

Tillandsia has a great quality of absorbing the moisture direct from its leaves, which makes this plant more special. This plant doesn’t require a lot of sunlight that makes it suitable to be kept indoors. It’s mandatory to water Tillandsia at least two or three times a week, so it doesn’t dry out. They can become more concave than they are naturally if they are underwatered so, it’s crucial to take care of its watering pattern.

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